Forensic Mediations
South Florida Inc.
Psychological Issues....

You are Overwhlemed by Stress...What to do? 


Legal and emotional issues requiring mediation, such as appealing a negative decision in a court case, the separation and divorce process, domestic abuse, child custody cases, disputes with neighbors, friends, business associates or disputes with co-workers and family members, individuals experience a high level of mental and physical distress.

The divorce process attacks the very core of a couples life and lifestyle. It challenges each persons' identity and can be overwhelming and traumatic. All aspects of a couples life could and most likely will be discussed as the couple attempts to either resolve issues to stay together or move forward with the divorce. There is a sense of loss and grief with divorce, often with feelings as if a death occurred.

Mediation is about being proactive, taking a positive position and control of a situation, to be heard by a neutral party and to discuss the issues openly with opposing party to come to a  mutually acceptable  resolution.  Issues regarding money are most common and then there are those cases based on "principals."  These cases are normally high on the tension list.

During this time, individuals tend to make emotional decisions, not rational practical decisions.  The lines of communication are usually shut down requiring a mediator to bring the parties together in a neutral environment. This inability to communicate adds additional friction and stress.

You are in a unique position during mediation. The power is in your hands to come to a resolution. If you come to an impasse and you cannot resolve your issues, it is then up to the court and the judge to decide for you. At that point, you are powerless and helpless and at the mercy of the court. In which position would you rather be? The less stressful position is one of communication and mediation.

As a neutral party to the process, a mediator can assist in opening the lines of communication. My commitment to you is to help assist in obtaining a resolution in the least stressful, most timely, meaningful fashion.

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